Isnin, 2 Februari 2009


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah...

Setelah menemukan beberapa halangan.. :p apakan~
I'm back.. soo people.. mesti semua urg mau tau who am i ryte?
Here I uploaded my pix.. hope u dun like it :p ehehe..

Hish! ni gara2 kawanku ni.. katanya rah aku.. kalau mau bedakwah.. jangan takut di ucap bangga diri.. soo it's tyme for exposure.. n for u who want to know who am i.. Col me Azamri or hafi k? spelling Huffey... ehehe..Insya-Allah i will be back someday.. with lots of great stories.. and insya-Allah.. since connection is ok already.. I will be updating at least once a week.. soo to anyone.. yg wanna share stories or ilmu with me.. jgn malu jgn segan.. send me email k?

seeing org menderita di tv d gaza.. i can't imagine how strong their heart are.. sdih sangat.. i cry watching.. kesian kanak2.. ya Allah hancurkanlah israel serta sekutu-sekutunya... The other day ada kutipan derma di college untuk Gaza.. i ask my instructor.. "kalau derma aku ke sana boleh?" bknnya apa.. kesian kn? nada urg tolong drg.. where goes jihad? where goes Fi Sabilillah? Where goes loving islam? kn jadi padang jarak padang terkukur dh tempat a2.. Mana kuasa kuat? Tunduk? Dasar KAFIR!!

Finally, i faced few bad news..well.. all i can say is.. Ya Qalbi La Takhaf.. La Tahzan Innallah ma'ana... Hasbunallahi Wa Ni'mal Wakiil..La illaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minazzolimin..

Sekian... Wassalam.. And to all my frenz yg reading.. Sorry ok? Now u guys know me kn? To my close fren yg tau blog ani aku punya.. jgn marah aku jua.. sorry~~~

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